Health protection forces to buy cheap cigarettes
Smoke breaks are very useful for those who have “sedentary work” as even for 3-5 minutes you will distract from the work and walk along the corridor, stand up, you thereby relieve the spine, make the motor apparatus work, etc. That is the motivation to buy cheap cigarettes.
You will not look silly.
A person who is standing alone for a certain time in the corridor or just in the middle of a smoking room looks at least strange and can cause ambiguous interest among people passing by. If he, albeit for a long time, will stand alone with himself, but at the same time smoke and remain in his thoughts, everyone will understand and this situation will not seem strange to anyone.
Heartier conversations or smoking secrets.
Often, people are secretive and do not talk about their problems and experiences out of the blue. But it is necessary to smoke together, as soon as the conversation turns into another direction and the interlocutors share the most intimate – their plans, secrets, etc. To some extent, this habit unites people and forces them to buy cheap cigarettes. They help each other more often, and they simply have good friendly relations.
The prohibition of smoking leads to frequent colds.
The thing is that when the company imposes a ban on smoking, then it is quite difficult to give up the habit with which you have been living for years. Therefore, many employees of the company leave their workplaces in order to smoke for the future, thus one short smoke break turns into a long one. And if at the same time it is cold and frost outside, then such smoke breaks affect health, and as a result – colds.
Tobacco smoke destroys harmful microorganisms.
To some extent, cigarette smoke helps cleanse the body of pathogenic bacteria.