Bond Australia Cigarettes march triumphantly around the planet
Bond Cigarettes appeared by chance. Philip Morris – the famous owner of the tobacco corporation, in addition to the huge tobacco factory, also had a network of stores to distribute them. His enterprises were successful and in demand. One of the admirers of the goods was the Belgian king Alfred. He wanted to somehow express his sympathy for the store and ordered that the institution be given the honorary title of a royal boutique. In 1902, the first cigarettes of Old Bond Street appeared. Their name was given due to the fact that the trading institution in which they were sold was located on Bond Street.
Since that time, Bond Cigarettes began to march triumphantly around the planet. And many modern smokers consider them to be royal cigarettes. Many tobacco lovers choose this brand because of its association with the popular film. The boxes depict a coat of arms with a crown that attracts the attention of the most demanding smokers. These two facts played an important role in the success of the brand. At the beginning of the last century, Bond cigarettes were very popular and were in the mid-price category. In the 1990s, the product packaging underwent a change. She was given firmness and strength. In 2006, the manufacturer launches a new grade Bond Street Special, belonging to the premium class.
Bond Cigarettes consist of a filter, which, according to many people, detains harmful resin, and the smoking part. But the raw materials in them are different. Tobacco is wrapped with special paper. Cigarettes contain the most harmful tar and special substances, thanks to which tobacco burns much faster. Strong types of cigarettes “Bond” contain the largest number of those components that it is better not to get into the human body. The minimum quantity is available in a light grade of ordinary thin Bond cigarettes.
To date, there are very few types of cigarettes of the trade mark “Bond”. From the very beginning of its existence, only a few varieties of these cigarettes were produced: Bond Street Red (red). Bond Street Light (blue). Bond Street Super Light (white).