How to hold Benson & Hedges Cigarettes Australia
You can take Benson & Hedges Cigarettes out with your fingers or teeth, but then you have to hold it in your hand. How to do it, everyone decides for himself, here there are no strict rules, but there are several most common options:
• Classical. Clamp the cigarette with the index and middle finger between the first and second joint, the palm should be directed downwards.
• Sophisticated. It differs from the classical one in that the palm is turned towards you and the fingers point upwards.
• Casual. The cigarette rests on the middle finger and is clasped over the index finger. The hand is relaxed, the palm is turned towards you or down.
• Euro I. The cigarette is held with a thumb and forefinger, the palm is open, the cigarette is directed outwards.
• Euro II. The cigarette is held with a thumb and forefinger, the palm is slightly ajar, the tip of the filter points directly at you.
• Concealed. The cigarette is held with a thumb and forefinger, the palm is closed, the cigarette is hiding in the hand. This method of smoking is convenient in those cases when you do not want unauthorized people to immediately see that you smoke.
• Female. The cigarette is clamped between the first and second joint of the index and middle fingers. The arm is relaxed and bent back, palm elevated.
Breathe in the smoke. Pull a little smoke into your mouth after you light a cigarette. If you are just starting to smoke, then do not tighten too much – from deep puffs beginners begin to cough and turn pale.
Hold the smoke in your mouth for a moment. It will cool it and protect your throat from irritation. This will also change the perception of taste. Benson & Hedges Cigarettes will be smoked with such satisfaction.