People ask for cigarette sizes before they buy discount cigarettes on online stores
Very often, people are curious about the different sizes of cigarettes that can be sold at stores or online. The question even arises if online stores lead promoting campaigns and smokers get a chance to buy discount cigarettes on those shops.
The question of size usually appears when a person wants to buy the necessary accessories such as cigarette box holders or cigarette machines. And this knowledge will help smokers understand which size suits their needs.
There are numerous aspects why it is important to distinguish cigarette sizes well.
Especially if an online store has started promoting some very good cigarettes at reduced prices (of course, under certain conditions) and smokers suddenly find out that their beloved brands are available in any quantities, they can buy discount cigarettes, which are admired by them. It is especially important in terms of cigarette accessories because it often determines the size. The answers can be different because it usually depends on the producer who sells the cigarette.
The 70mm cigarettes were the first cigarette size and are usually 2 3/4 inches long. These were usually unfiltered cigarettes and were the popular size before the filtered cigarettes began to conquer the market. This size is still in high demand by the roll-your-own community, but is less advantageous from a commercial approach. 100mm cigarettes are simply indicated as 100 and are usually 3 3/4 – 4 inches long. These are the next size of 84mm cigarettes and are longer in overall length. They have a longer filter than the king size cigarettes and may have a bit more tobacco content that depends on the producer.
The matter is that you select the needed length whole you buy discount cigarettes on online stores.